In the second half of this article, you'll find a practical table on Nationwide Travel Insurance Plan Comparisons, which summarizes coverage details across different plans, including trip cancellation/interruption, various delays and missed connections, medical expenses/evacuation, baggage issues, accidental death & dismemberment, rental car coverage, pre-existing condition waivers, financial default protection, and specific benefits for cruise travelers, to help you better understand the key data at a glance and choose the best travel insurance plan for your needs.

choosing a nationwide travel insurance plan

6 Tips for Choosing the Best Nationwide Travel Insurance Plan

Assess Your Trip Needs

Consider your destination, the length of time you will be away, and the activities you will be doing. A backpacking trek across the Himalayas might call for different coverage than a leisure beach holiday. Think through the possible expenses of medical treatment at your location. Medical evacuations can cost up to $100,000, claims the US Travel Insurance Association (USTIA). Higher medical coverage in your travel insurance plan becomes more important if you are heading somewhere far away or with inadequate medical facilities. Consider also the worth of your trip. Coverage for trip cancellation and interruption is more important if you have booked non-refundable flights or lodging.

Understand Nationwide's Plan Options

Nationwide typically provides two single-trip options: Essential and Prime. The Essential Plan offers basic coverage for trip cancellations, interruptions, medical emergencies, lost luggage, and travel cancellations. With more coverage limits and Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) coverage, the Prime plan improves these benefits. Nationwide also provides cruise-specific policies with coverage suited to typical cruise interruptions. Nationwide provides multi-trip annual plans for regular travellers that may be more affordable than buying separate policies for every trip.

Compare Coverage Levels and Costs

Get prices for the Essential and Prime plans, then modify coverage levels to fit your needs and trip budget. Compare Nationwide's policies with those of other credible companies using a travel insurance comparison website such as Squaremouth or InsureMyTrip. This will help you better understand how Nationwide's pricing and coverage compare with its competitors. A 2023 NerdWallet study indicates that, for a $3,000 trip, basic travel insurance typically costs about $127. Don't forget the cost of any add-ons you might need.

choosing best nationwide travel insurance

Consider a Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) Upgrade

The most freedom comes from CFAR, which lets you postpone your vacation for any reason, usually getting a 50-75% refund. CFAR can offer extra peace of mind if you worry about unanticipated events not covered under typical trip cancellations. However, it dramatically increases the cost of your policy. See whether the additional freedom justifies the extra cost. CFAR often requires specific criteria, such as buying within a particular period following your initial trip deposit and insuring 100% of your non-refundable travel expenses.

Check for Existing Coverage

You might already have travel insurance through your credit card, homeowner's, or health insurance. Examine your current policies to find any holes and to know what is covered. This will guarantee you enough protection and help you avoid paying for duplicate coverage. Some credit cards, for example, offer travel cancellation and interruption insurance, although they might not provide complete medical coverage.

Read the Fine Print

Before buying any policy, thoroughly review the policy specifics—including the complete list of covered causes, exclusions, and claim processes—focusing primarily on defining "pre-existing medical conditions" and whether Nationwide provides a waiver. If you must submit a claim, know the claims procedure and what records you will require.

Nationwide Travel Insurance Plan Comparison
PlanTrip CancellationTrip InterruptionTrip DelayMissed ConnectionItinerary ChangeCancel For Any Reason (CFAR)Medical Expense (Emergency Only)Emergency DentalMedical Evacuation/Repatriation of RemainsBaggage & Personal EffectsBaggage DelayAccidental Death & Dismemberment (24-hour)Accidental Death & Dismemberment (Flight Only)Rental Car Collision/LossPre-Existing Condition WaiverFinancial DefaultInterruption for Any ReasonItinerary Change (Cruise Specific)Missed Excursion Due to Itinerary Change (Cruise Specific)Non-Medical Evacuation (Cruise Specific)Kids Included Pricing
Essential (Single Trip)Up to $10,000125% up to $12,500$600 ($150 daily limit/6+ hour delay)Not coveredNot coveredNot covered$75,000 (Secondary)$500 (included in medical)$250,000$600 ($250 per article/$500 valuable items) (Secondary)$100 (12+ hour delay)Optional Add-onOptional Add-onOptional Add-on ($25,000)10-day purchase windowOptional Add-onNot coveredNot coveredNot coveredNot coveredNo
Prime (Single Trip)Up to $30,000200% up to $60,000$2,000 ($250 daily limit/6+ hour delay)$500$50075% (21-day purchase window)$150,000 (Secondary)$750 (included in medical)$1,000,000$2,000 ($250 per article/$500 valuable items) (Secondary)$600 (12+ hour delay)$50,000Optional Add-onOptional Add-on ($35,000)21-day purchase windowIncluded (21-day purchase window)Not coveredNot coveredNot coveredNot coveredNo
Universal Cruise100%125%$500$500 (3+ hour delay)Not coveredNot available$75,000 (Secondary for sickness)$750$250,000$1,500 ($300 per article/$600 special items)$250 (8+ hour delay)Not availableNot coveredNot coveredNot availableIncluded (14-day purchase window)$250$100$250Not availableNo